Created: September 2006 Author: Pearu Peterson Fortran parser package structure ================================ numpy.f2py.lib.parser package contains the following files: ------ Public API for Fortran parser. It exposes Statement classes, CHAR_BIT constant, and parse function. Function parse(, ..) parses, analyzes and returns Statement tree of Fortran input. For example, :: >>> from api import parse >>> code = """ ... c comment ... subroutine foo(a) ... integer a ... print*,"a=",a ... end ... """ >>> tree = parse(code,isfree=False) >>> print tree !BEGINSOURCE mode=fix90 SUBROUTINE foo(a) INTEGER a PRINT *, "a=", a END SUBROUTINE foo >>> >>> tree BeginSource blocktype='beginsource' name=' mode=fix90' a=AttributeHolder: external_subprogram= content: Subroutine args=['a'] item=Line('subroutine foo(a)',(3, 3),'') a=AttributeHolder: variables= content: Integer selector=('', '') entity_decls=['a'] item=Line('integer a',(4, 4),'') Print item=Line('print*,"a=",a',(5, 5),'') EndSubroutine blocktype='subroutine' name='foo' item=Line('end',(6, 6),'') -------------- Tools for reading Fortran codes from file and string objects. To read Fortran code from a file, use FortranFileReader class. FortranFileReader class is iterator over Fortran code lines as is derived from FortranReaderBase class. It automatically handles line continuations and comments as well as detects if Fortran file is in free or fixed format. For example, :: >>> from readfortran import * >>> import os >>> reader = FortranFileReader(os.path.expanduser('~/src/blas/daxpy.f')) >>> Line('subroutine daxpy(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy)',(1, 1),'') >>> Comment('c constant times a vector plus a vector.\nc uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.\nc jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.\nc modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)',(3, 6)) >>> Line('double precision dx(*),dy(*),da',(8, 8),'') >>> Line('integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n',(9, 9),'') method may return Line, SyntaxErrorLine, Comment, MultiLine, SyntaxErrorMultiLine instances. Line instance has the following attributes: * .line - contains Fortran code line * .span - a 2-tuple containing the span of line numbers containing Fortran code in the original Fortran file * .label - the label of Fortran code line * .reader - the FortranReaderBase class instance * .strline - if not None then contains Fortran code line with parenthesis content and string literal constants saved in .strlinemap dictionary. * .is_f2py_directive - True if line started with f2py directive comment. and the following methods: * .get_line() - returns .strline (also evalutes it if None). Also handles Hollerith contstants in fixed F77 mode. * .isempty() - returns True if Fortran line contains no code. * .copy(line=None, apply_map=False) - returns a Line instance with given .span, .label, .reader information but line content replaced with line (when not None) and applying .strlinemap mapping (when apply_map is True). * .apply_map(line) - apply .strlinemap mapping to line. * .has_map() - returns True if .strlinemap mapping exists. For example, :: >>> item = >>> item Line('if(n.le.0)return',(11, 11),'') >>> item.line 'if(n.le.0)return' >>> item.strline 'if(F2PY_EXPR_TUPLE_4)return' >>> item.strlinemap {'F2PY_EXPR_TUPLE_4': 'n.le.0'} >>> item.label '' >>> item.span (11, 11) >>> item.get_line() 'if(F2PY_EXPR_TUPLE_4)return' >>> item.copy('if(F2PY_EXPR_TUPLE_4)pause',True) Line('if(n.le.0)pause',(11, 11),'') Comment instance has the following attributes: * .comment - comment string * .span - a 2-tuple containing the span of line numbers containing Fortran comment in the original Fortran file * .reader - the FortranReaderBase class instance and .isempty() method. MultiLine class represents multiline syntax in .pyf files:: '''''' MultiLine instance has the following attributes: * .prefix - the content of * .block - a list of lines * .suffix - the content of * .span - a 2-tuple containing the span of line numbers containing multiline syntax in the original Fortran file * .reader - the FortranReaderBase class instance and .isempty() method. SyntaxErrorLine and SyntaxErrorMultiLine are like Line and MultiLine classes, respectively, with a functionality of issuing an error message to sys.stdout when constructing an instance of the corresponding class. To read a Fortran code from a string, use FortranStringReader class:: reader = FortranStringReader(, , ) where the second and third arguments are used to specify the format of the given content. When and are both True, the content of a .pyf file is assumed. For example, :: >>> code = """ ... c comment ... subroutine foo(a) ... print*, "a=",a ... end ... """ >>> reader = FortranStringReader(code, False, True) >>> Comment('c comment',(2, 2)) >>> Line('subroutine foo(a)',(3, 3),'') >>> Line('print*, "a=",a',(4, 4),'') >>> Line('end',(5, 5),'') FortranReaderBase has the following attributes: * .source - a file-like object with .next() method to retrive a source code line * .source_lines - a list of read source lines * .reader - a FortranReaderBase instance for reading files from INCLUDE statements. * .include_dirs - a list of directories where INCLUDE files are searched. Default is ['.']. and the following methods: * .set_mode(isfree, isstrict) - set Fortran code format information * .close_source() - called when .next() raises StopIteration exception. --------------- Parse Fortran code from FortranReaderBase iterator. FortranParser class holds the parser information while iterating over items returned by FortranReaderBase iterator. The parsing information, collected when calling .parse() method, is saved in .block attribute as an instance of BeginSource class defined in file. For example, :: >>> reader = FortranStringReader(code, False, True) >>> parser = FortranParser(reader) >>> parser.parse() >>> print parser.block !BEGINSOURCE mode=fix77 SUBROUTINE foo(a) PRINT *, "a=", a END SUBROUTINE foo,,, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The model for representing Fortran code statements consists of a tree of Statement classes defined in There are two types of statements: one line statements and block statements. Block statements consists of start and end statements, and content statements in between that can be of both types again. Statement instance has the following attributes: * .parent - it is either parent block-type statement or FortranParser instance. * .item - Line instance containing Fortran statement line information, see above. * .isvalid - when False then processing this Statement instance will be skipped, for example, when the content of .item does not match with the Statement class. * .ignore - when True then the Statement instance will be ignored. * .modes - a list of Fortran format modes where the Statement instance is valid. and the following methods: * .info(message), .warning(message), .error(message) - to spit messages to sys.stderr stream. * .get_variable(name) - get Variable instance by name that is defined in current namespace. If name is not defined, then the corresponding Variable instance is created. * .analyze() - calculate various information about the Statement, this information is saved in .a attribute that is AttributeHolder instance. All statement classes are derived from Statement class. Block statements are derived from BeginStatement class and is assumed to end with EndStatement instance in .content attribute list. BeginStatement and EndStatement instances have the following attributes: * .name - name of the block, blocks without names use line label as the name. * .blocktype - type of the block (derived from class name) * .content - a list of Statement (or Line) instances. and the following methods: * .__str__() - returns string representation of Fortran code. A number of statements may declare a variable that is used in other statement expressions. Variables are represented via Variable class and its instances have the following attributes: * .name - name of the variable * .typedecl - type declaration * .dimension - list of dimensions * .bounds - list of bounds * .length - length specs * .attributes - list of attributes * .bind - list of bind information * .intent - list of intent information * .check - list of check expressions * .init - initial value of the variable * .parent - statement instance declaring the variable * .parents - list of statements that specify variable information and the following methods: * .is_private() * .is_public() * .is_allocatable() * .is_external() * .is_intrinsic() * .is_parameter() * .is_optional() * .is_required() The following type declaration statements are defined in Integer, Real, DoublePrecision, Complex, DoubleComplex, Logical, Character, Byte, Type, Class and they have the following attributes: * .selector - contains lenght and kind specs * .entity_decls, .attrspec and methods: * .tostr() - return string representation of Fortran type declaration * .astypedecl() - pure type declaration instance, it has no .entity_decls and .attrspec. * .analyze() - processes .entity_decls and .attsspec attributes and adds Variable instance to .parent.a.variables dictionary. The following block statements are defined in BeginSource, Module, PythonModule, Program, BlockData, Interface, Subroutine, Function, Select, Where, Forall, IfThen, If, Do, Associate, TypeDecl (Type), Enum Block statement classes may have different properties which are declared via deriving them from the following classes: HasImplicitStmt, HasUseStmt, HasVariables, HasTypeDecls, HasAttributes, HasModuleProcedures, ProgramBlock In summary, .a attribute may hold different information sets as follows: BeginSource - .module, .external_subprogram, .blockdata Module - .attributes, .implicit_rules, .use, .use_provides, .variables, .type_decls, .module_subprogram, .module_data PythonModule - .implicit_rules, .use, .use_provides Program - .attributes, .implicit_rules, .use, .use_provides BlockData - .implicit_rules, .use, .use_provides, .variables Interface - .implicit_rules, .use, .use_provides, .module_procedures Function, Subroutine - .implicit_rules, .attributes, .use, .use_statements, .variables, .type_decls, .internal_subprogram TypeDecl - .variables, .attributes Block statements have the following methods: * .get_classes() - returns a list of Statement classes that are valid as a content of given block statement. The following one line statements are defined: Implicit, TypeDeclarationStatement derivatives (see above), Assignment, PointerAssignment, Assign, Call, Goto, ComputedGoto, AssignedGoto, Continue, Return, Stop, Print, Read, Write, Flush, Wait, Contains, Allocate, Deallocate, ModuleProcedure, Access, Public, Private, Close, Cycle, Backspace, Endfile, Reeinf, Open, Format, Save, Data, Nullify, Use, Exit, Parameter, Equivalence, Dimension, Target, Pointer, Protected, Volatile, Value, ArithmeticIf, Intrinsic, Inquire, Sequence, External, Namelist, Common, Optional, Intent, Entry, Import, Forall, SpecificBinding, GenericBinding, FinalBinding, Allocatable, Asynchronous, Bind, Else, ElseIf, Case, Where, ElseWhere, Enumerator, FortranName, Threadsafe, Depend, Check, CallStatement, CallProtoArgument, Pause